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Insurance Assessments

Aerial Views Provide Policyholder Support

Find out how Kin Insurance enabled remote assessments for immediate help and response.

“Nearmap imagery is one source of truth that allows us to understand many attributes about a property that standard data sources may not catch. Recent imagery from Nearmap allows us to review the insights against the analytics and truly understand the property’s condition.”

Adam SturtSVP of Data and Analytics, Kin Insurance
Kin is the only pure-play, direct-to-consumer digital insurer focused on the growing homeowners insurance market. Kin makes homeowners insurance more convenient and affordable by eliminating the need for external agents. Kin’s technology platform delivers a seamless user experience, customized options for coverage, and fast, high-quality claims service. Behind the scenes, Kin utilizes thousands of data points about each property to provide accurate pricing and produce better underwriting results. Kin is a fully licensed carrier that offers coverage through its reciprocal exchanges which are owned by its customers.

The Challenge at a Glance

Optimizing the Customer Experience

As a technology and licensed Florida home insurance carrier, Kin knows that there are unique challenges to providing affordable coverage to homeowners in catastrophe-prone areas. Though automation could be an effective tool, a one-size-fits-all approach didn’t work for Kin as they strive to provide their policyholders with a more human, touch. They saw leveraging aerial imagery from Nearmap as an opportunity to innovate their data and analytics, merging automation and a human touch for an optimal customer experience.

The Solution at a Glance

Aerial Imagery Optimizes the Claims Process

Kin onboarded Nearmap to be a visual source of truth and data for understanding the risk and condition of properties within their book of business. Before Hurricane Ian in 2022, Kin layered the geospatial data from Nearmap and the National Hurricane Center to better understand how customers would be impacted by the storm, identifying 23,819 insured risks in the wind field footprint with wind speeds of 50+ MPH.
After landfall, Kin used Nearmap ImpactResponse imagery to analyze the impact to 40,000 of its insured locations. Because many customers were evacuated, this enabled Kin to quickly initiate the claims process and provide immediate support to those in the most need.

Policyholder Impact

Helping Those in Need… Faster

Unlike traditional insurers that send adjusters to each and every site to assess damage after a major event, Kin saved time and resources by reviewing Ian’s impact remotely. “The imagery and data provided by Nearmap before and after the storm allowed us to more accurately predict which homeowners would be impacted by the storm,” said Sturt.
This proactive approach allowed Kin to provide support for more than 50% of total claimants with in the first 5 days of Hurricane Ian recovery.
Because of its investment in technology and innovative data collection processes, Kin was well prepared to quickly and effectively assess claims and provide the best possible experience for its customers after Ian.

Nearmap ImpactResponse

Get rapid access to post-catastrophe aerial insights.

See Post-Disaster Imagery