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Reflecting on our natural world with aerial imagery

Oct 2029

2020 natural disaster aerial photos captured directly after floods and bushfires in New South Wales and Victoria.

Oct 2029

Here at Nearmap, we’re in the business of capturing the truth on the ground.  In 2020, not only did we capture the beauty of the world from above, but we were also a witness to some extraordinary events. As the COVID-19 pandemic afforded us the opportunity to find new ways to work and explore our country, we were also in the air capturing the most significant of natural disasters.
We welcomed 2021 with heightened restrictions as a global health crisis continues to move through our communities, but the start of 2020 told a different story. From New South Wales to the East Gippsland region of Victoria, temperatures soared, lightning struck and bushfires burned — and we were there to capture it all.
During the fire season of 2019/20, Nearmap captured over 28,000 sq km of high-resolution, post-bushfire imagery. This included the recapturing of previously affected areas — aiding in recovery efforts and supporting local communities as they rebuilt.
Accessing the truth is key to shaping a livable world as we bounce back from times of crisis. The world around us is changing and we must learn to embrace unexpected events as our climate and environment shift. With Nearmap imagery, we can stay prepared — and we can recover.
January 11 marks the ten year anniversary of the Queensland Floods, and as we reflect, the Nearmap library of post-catastrophe imagery highlights the importance of accessing the truth on the ground. It’s this insight from above that provides support for remote damage assessment and helps to enable rapid response.
We were there in 2011 to capture high-resolution imagery, helping local communities gain insight into the big picture, so they could get back on their feet — fast.
Bearing witness to the world is no simple feat, but with over 10 years of experience capturing the world from above — both the good and bad — we know the importance of consistent, high-quality and reliable on-the-ground location intelligence.
It’s this intelligence that provides you with actionable insights into the world around us, so that you can respond to unexpected events with confidence. We’re looking forward to launching our full post-cat capture program this year, so stay tuned. We’ve been expanding the program and you’ll be the first to get access when it’s ready.