How many stages are there in GIS?
The process of GIS mapping can be broken down into five stages
1. Spatial reference frameworks
This is the mapping reality and bare bones of a GIS — the actual physical locations and objects represented using a coordinate system
2. Spatial data models
The coordinates are turned into a more visual representation that’s closer to a map using a combination of vector and raster formats.
3. Spatial data acquisition systems
The GIS collects more spatial data to plug into the framework. This data comes from many sources, including aerial photographs and surveying.
4. Spatial data analysis
The GIS queries the collected data to find relevant answers to practical geospatial questions, like how big a site is or the distance between two buildings.
5. Geovisualisation and information delivery
This is where the magic happens! The GIS wraps all of the previous layers up into a user-friendly and searchable digital format.