OCT 2021 | Central NSW
Flow accumulation along and across rows in white
In addition to bare earth elevation, Nearmap offers Digital Surface Models (DSM) as part of its 3D program. It depicts height elevations of features such as trees, buildings and other “toppings”.
Building onto Nearmap’s rich toolsets, the company’s AI program is able to extract further location details relating to stormwater, including building footprints, building and roof characteristics, ground surfaces, and vegetation heights. Learn more about Nearmap AI offerings. Taken together, this data provides engineers a full picture and detailed story of the environmental constraints to help them find a suitable solution.
With flood modelling being a key part of how stormwater collection, retention, and drainage systems are planned, it’s also worth noting that Nearmap offers improved model accuracy via regularly updated DTM / DSM data and AI surface information.
Combine all this extensive and accurate information, and you have technology that allows engineers to appropriately plan for the future, save valuable time and effort and mitigate risk with designs.
Future-proofing engineering designs and plans
Climate change is an ever-present challenge for designs, but it’s hardly the only consideration when it comes to future-proofing. For projects that have to anticipate water consumption in urban areas, engineers have to plan for growth and how it affects existing systems.
In the US, stormwater hydromodification regulations are put in place to minimise the duration, levels, and frequency of erosive flows that would affect everything downstream of the project.
Here in Australia, the 2006 guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design from the Australian Runoff Quality Authorship Team outlines an objective to preserve the natural hydrological regime of catchments. This requires a thorough understanding of the potential impact a design will have on nearby or connected sites. Another consideration is emergencies and hazards. Aside from creating designs that help manage and alleviate weather extremes, Australian Nearmap post-catastrophe data can also assist with sites that have already experienced an extreme event like bushfires, cyclones, monsoons, tropical storms, hail, earthquakes, and flooding. The North American Nearmap post catastrophe data can assist with areas affected by wildfires, hurricanes, and tornados.
In Australia and North America, the company recently launched ImpactResponse, a full post-catastrophe imagery capture program that supports communities and businesses following natural disasters. These images help enable rapid responses and remote damage assessment. They’ve also meant insurance claims could be processed faster, and have informed future hazard prevention planning.