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Plan, visualise and monitor with precision

Apr 2021

Aerial imagery and geospatial data from Nearmap gives government and construction companies insights on the go, reducing the need for site visits.

Apr 2021

Development is on the rise; and it’s critical that you can access the most up-to-date and accurate data to keep projects on time, and on budget. Your community depends on you to develop infrastructure that meets the needs of all, and that can’t be done without the latest insight into change on the ground.
With a rich stack of location content from Nearmap, stick to budget and keep your projects moving toward completion, across every stage of your build.


The planning phase sets the stage for the remainder of your project, poor planning can result in a poor outcome, that’s why staying informed matters. But conducting multiple site visits across the lifecycle to gather data isn’t always feasible, especially during recent times. With cloud-based, remote access to high-resolution aerial imagery — updated several times per year — project managers, planners and designers can conduct virtual walkthroughs, right through our web application MapBrowser.
Tools for annotation can also keep the right team members informed within one central location, allowing you to highlight those features that may require a closer look when it’s time for a physical inspection — avoiding costly hiccups that could potentially arise with low visibility into site features.


Visualising requires accuracy. Accuracy helps to ensure that you’re meeting the needs of your community, delivering on your promise and most importantly, understanding the short-term and long-term impact of your build.

“We no longer have to deal with outdated and inconsistent imagery…It’s about as seamless a process as I’ve ever used.”

Assistant Director of Public Works and Engineering,
3D content from Nearmap, including DSM, DTM and True Ortho allows you to fully immerse yourself into entire cityscapes, offering up the latest context surrounding both the site — and its surroundings. Seamless integrations into industry-leading GIS and CAD applications — like Esri, Autodesk and Bentley — also allow government agencies to simulate certain scenarios to view the potential affects of their planned builds. For example, are you planning a tall skyscraper? It’s absolutely essential that you consider how this affects the surrounding urban and natural environments, from shadow casting to line of sight.
Powerful AI-derived attributes can also provide the tools needed to identify certain objects of interest and how these play a part in development; “Nearmap AI has been a key tool for us as we plan for the future. We’ve been able to utilise derived insights to observe trends in order to design smarter green spaces”, says Lindsay Mason, Head of the Land Information Team, City of Ryde.


Change over time can play a massive role in where you land, so it’s essential that you can detect and monitor this change from concept to completion. With a rich catalogue of imagery dating back to 2009, gain the clearest insight into how your environment has evolved. And with updates occurring up to 6 times per year, forget outdated imagery. This means lessening the need for costly bespoke flyovers, and accessing multiple vintages across the entire scope of a project, on-demand and within days of capture. Don’t spend time worrying about when you’ll get the next update, Nearmap has you covered — year round.
State and Federal Governments aren’t just looking at one specific area, monitoring can potentially extend to major highways, railways, new airports and even entire cities. These multi-year, large-scope projects require detail, and with Nearmap, you can access detail at scale and stay in the know every step of the way.

Watch Nearmap in action at Victoria’s Big Build:

.Learn how you can implement location data from Nearmap into your government infrastructure workflows, download a sample pack.
Download Sample Pack