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Nearmap and The Nature Conservancy Australia, a greener future

Jul 2022

Partnering with The Nature Conservancy Australia, Nearmap commits high-resolution aerial imagery and geospatial data for restoration projects in NSW and the NT.

Jul 2022

Conventional wisdom says, if you want something done right, it’s best to do it yourself. But with the right team and shared resources, your actions can go twice as far. This is the basis of a new partnership between Nearmap and The Nature Conservancy Australia: two groundbreaking organisations with a passion for forging tangible, positive climate action. (The picture at the top of this page is of Gayini in NSW; photo credit: Annette Ruzicka.)
Recognising the powerful potential of partnership, we have teamed up to tackle the climate challenge using our unique pool of expertise, people, and perspective.
With an approach that combines cutting-edge Australian technology with traditional land management techniques of First Nations people, the Nearmap and The Nature Conservancy Australia partnership combines traditional knowledge and innovative technology. By utilising the best of the past and the future, we’re bound to see more positive change.

Nearmap for Good sustainability commitment

Nearmap has launched its sustainability program, Nearmap for Good, aligned to the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) – in particular goal 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and goal 13, Climate Action. As part of this, Nearmap has committed to the Pledge 1% initiative, pledging 1% of product and 1% of time to support goals aligned to the UN SDGs. This partnership with The Nature Conservancy is a significant step towards our goal to combat the impacts of climate change and to create sustainable cities for the future.

About The Nature Conservancy

The battle against climate change is an urgent one that must be fought to save our habitats, health, economy and future — and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) believes it can be won using smart planning, science-based solutions and strong partnerships. In Australia, the TNC team works tirelessly to protect the woodlands and wetlands that are crucial to biodiversity and carbon sequestration. TNC works in partnership with First Nations people caring for Country; for example, to manage fire in a way that more closely resembles tens of thousands of years of traditional burning to achieve net reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and better conservation outcomes. The broader aim is to halt the effects of climate change so communities can enjoy a safer and more equitable future that prioritises the health of our natural world.
Cool burn at Fish River Station, Northern Territory | Photo credit: Mark Godfrey

A partnership forged in making change

The issue of climate change is complex and can sometimes feel overwhelming. At Nearmap, we have partnered with The Nature Conservancy Australia to take direct action. By taking a localised, hands-on approach combined with some of the most sophisticated location intelligence in Australia, our two organisations have committed to working together to monitor and manage important conservation projects in regional and remote parts of the country.
We have conducted the first bespoke aerial captures of two community projects undertaken by The Nature Conservancy. The Nearmap team is committed to a minimum twice-yearly aerial captures of these projects, as well as giving The Nature Conservancy team and their partners access to our catalogue of historical location data. See below for more details.

Gayini, NSW

Gayini is a vast property of almost 88,000 hectares on Nari Nari Country (the Murray-Darling Basin, New South Wales) owned and managed by its Traditional Custodians. This Nari Nari Tribal Council (NNTC) is protecting a 50,000-year-old legacy of conservation, sustainable agricultural practices and cultural heritage preservation. Following negotiations with state and federal governments, The Nature Conservancy was able to join forces with the Nari Nari Tribal Council in 2018 to fight for the proper management of Gayini by its traditional owners, and in 2019 the land rights were transferred to the NNTC.
The NNTC and The Nature Conservancy plan to introduce other sustainable land uses at the property including carbon farming, educational resources and even ecotourism, with the goal to prove that you can support the economy while keeping your practices sustainable. Our current and archival intelligence will be invaluable in the implementation of these plans.

Fish River Station, Northern Territory

Fish River Station in the Northern Territory is a 180,000 hectare property in the Northern Territory with exceptionally diverse habitats including savanna woodlands, rainforests and floodplains. Situated alongside the Daly River, its land and waterways provide sanctuary for many unique animals including 21 threatened species such as the Northern Quoll, Gouldian Finch and Northern Masked Owl. The Nature Conservancy is committed to protecting this rich pocket of biodiversity, and worked with various stakeholders to entrust the land to the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC).
Since this historic justice was served, The Nature Conservancy has been working alongside the ILC to implement a number of conservation initiatives that will safeguard the future of the land. These include the employment of 25 Indigenous conservation rangers, introducing significant feral animal control, establishing a new Ranger Station and conducting comprehensive biodiversity surveys. Among the most significant achievements are the reduction of destructive late season bushfires at Fish River station from 36% to less than 5% each year, as well as the establishment of a groundbreaking carbon abatement fire program.

A history of care

At Nearmap, we pioneer change and innovation, and advocate for sustainability. Our Australian-headquartered company specialises in providing location intelligence and high-resolution aerial imagery of entire cities, which can be used in both business and conservation. Our content and location intelligence is used to plan smart cities of the future, support the growth of greener spaces and assist recovery efforts after major natural disasters.
The Nature Conservancy joining forces with our team was a logical step forward in the fight against climate change inaction.

“Our partnership will help monitor and manage the conservation projects at Fish River Station and Gayini so that our communities can thrive and natural places that renew our spirits can endure.”

James Fitzsimons,Director of Conservation and Science, The Nature Conservancy Australia
For more information about how location intelligence and aerial imagery can help you prepare and respond to a changing climate, get in touch with Nearmap today.
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