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Nearmap makes ANZ’s most innovative companies list

Nov 2022

Nearmap ImpactResponse, our dedicated aerial imagery program for natural disasters, helped Nearmap be placed on ANZ’s Most Innovative Companies list.

Nov 2022

Nearmap is the first and only aerial imagery and location analytics provider in Australia with a dedicated capture program for natural disasters, Nearmap ImpactResponse.
It is a solution that recently helped Nearmap take out the 5th spot on the highly competitive Technology category of the AFR BOSS Most Innovative Companies list.
Being the only national competition of its kind and judged by Australia’s leading innovation consultancy Inventium – using a proven methodology, scientific smarts and a panel of industry experts – it’s safe to say it’s the real deal.
Until Nearmap ImpactResponse was introduced, there was no tool available to bring certainty to those involved in response and recovery. Now, emergency responders, government agencies and insurance companies have the ability to assist victims of natural disasters faster and safer.

The escalating impact of Australian natural disasters

Australia is a country prone to severe weather events, exacerbated by climate change.
In the 2020-2021 disaster season, five major weather events in Australia contributed to $2.3 billion in damage. Then in February and March of 2022 alone, unprecedented rainfall and flooding in parts of Queensland and New South Wales caused $5.28 billion in damage - the first of many record-breaking weather events that would come to batter Australia’s East coast this year.
Not only were lives lost, too many lost their homes, entire communities were devastated, structures destroyed.

What is Nearmap ImpactResponse?

Nearmap ImpactResponse includes aerial imagery and location data that enable organisations to better assess damage, plan a disaster response, and manage rebuilding and recovery efforts.
We aim to conduct aerial surveys as soon as possible following significant natural disasters or extreme weather events and publish this powerful data within days of capture – made possible by our patented camera systems and the most advanced imagery processing pipelines in the world.
“Every decision, every planned step, and every educated gamble, is made in the interest of achieving a quick, efficient, and safe outcome for all involved. It is a fascinating area to work in. And while it’s time-pressured and sometimes stressful, the team and I know we make real differences to people with these captures, and we are dedicated to doing it the best we can.”, said M’Shenda Turner, Senior Director of ANZ Survey Operations for Nearmap.
With reliable accuracy, speed, and coverage, emergency response agencies, property insurers, and utility companies can be there for their customers and communities – even when ground access and inspection resources are limited.
And with a real-time picture of the truth on the ground, teams can be equipped with the right tools to quickly assess damage and triage their response.
We also regularly and publish imagery that will cover up to 95% of the population, and offer up to 15 years of historical coverage. We can therefore provide a contextual snapshot of property conditions prior to an event to support more informed decision making when calibrating responses.

How is it used?

Red Cross Australia uses Nearmap before-and-after location information for the charity’s vital on-the-ground assistance in communities suffering great loss.
Across 2019 and 2020, from Queensland to South Australia, over 17M hectares burned and more than 3,000 homes were destroyed by an unprecedented wave of bushfires. Red Cross Australia set out with an aim to assist those affected most, and was looking for a way to streamline how funds could be allocated.
Access to a robust library of up-to-date imagery gave the team at Red Cross Australia the information they needed to prioritise and provide grants to those who needed them most. Through their bushfire grant program, the organisation was able to verify and provide grants to nearly 6000 people, with over $200m in financial aid distributed.

“Nearmap provided us another verification layer. We could actually see if there was any sign of fire near the area in question, and the exact distance from the property to fire damage so our grants team could determine eligibility”

Business Analyst,Australian Red Cross
Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) pairs military veterans with emergency responders and medical professionals for disaster relief, with a focus on the post-response recovery phase – from cleaning up and removing debris, to clearing burnt trees and mending fences.
In the past, the organisation had relied on drones to get the imagery it needed. Nearmap provided a better, higher-resolution, and more cost-effective solution.
DRA used Nearmap imagery to help clear areas after fires on Kangaroo Island – a 4405 sq km landmass that would have required 11,000 drone batteries to capture – as well as in Victoria’s Buchan Valley – an area with dispersed properties which isn’t easily covered by drones.
With Nearmap, DRA is able increase its ability to plan and deploy its teams with the right equipment and with and with greater efficiency – particularly critical for an organisation that relies on volunteers.

“Nearmap provides us the solution we need to maximise our resources and provide the greatest benefit to our communities.”

National Director,Disaster Relief Australia

Hear more from Nearmap ImpactResponse experts

Tune into M’Shenda Turner, Senior Director of ANZ Survey Operations, and John Corbett’s, Director of Vision Systems, deep dive into the capture program and disaster response from Nearmap NAVIG8 2022 – our annual customer event.
Click the thumbnail below to watch on-demand.

Want to learn more about Nearmap ImpactResponse?

Get in touch with us or visit our ImpactResponse webpage today!

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