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A Before and after view of Australian flood impact

Aug 2022

Nearmap post-catastrophe imagery captured the extent of flood impact. These incredible before and after visuals enable insurance, government and emergency service agencies to triage responses.

Aug 2022

Post-catastrophe imagery has captured the devastating impact of Australia’s recent floods, as parts of Queensland and New South Wales were rendered unrecognisable by record-breaking rainfall several times this year – some communities experiencing as many as four flood events in 18 months.
Following a brief recess in June as the Bureau of Meteorology declared an end to La Niña, Greater Sydney experienced its wettest July on record a mere 14 days into the month – the extreme weather inciting more than 12,833 insurance claims in the same time period according to the Insurance Council of Australia, with an estimated loss of $150 million.
As soon as conditions allowed, Nearmap deployed planes to capture aerial surveys of those areas most impacted. Providing accurate views of the extent of damage, in a safe and timely manner, enables insurers, governments, and emergency response agencies, to speed up and triage their disaster response efforts when it matters most.
Having been completely underwater as recently as March this year, Wiseman’s Ferry town ferry service – which for many residents is the only viable way to access their homes – was once again inundated by the July floods.
Maitland and Singleton in the New South Wales Hunter Region were impacted most by the swollen Hunter River, when water levels rose well above major roads and transport networks – including Maitland’s railway station – isolating thousands of residents.
These incredible scenes are reminiscent of those we saw in February and March, 2022, across Australia’s eastern seaboard – the cost of damages of which have climbed to $4.8 billion, making it the third most expensive disaster in Australian history.
During this time, in the Sunshine State, the winding Brisbane River swallowed surrounding suburbs at several points.
With a 50 per cent chance of La Niña reforming later in 2022, potentially bringing with it further destructive weather events throughout Australia, Nearmap will continue to provide near-real time captures of the truth on the ground.
Visit Nearmap ImpactResponse™ to learn more about how Nearmap can help emergency services, insurers and governments respond to catastrophes more efficiently, with accurate and reliable data.
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