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Artificial intelligence verifies leads in a world first

Feb 2023

The latest AI technology from Nearmap has been used in a world leading project to verify leads generated for Australian solar installers.

Feb 2023

The latest AI technology from Nearmap been used in a world leading project to verify leads generated for solar installers. Australia’s largest solar lead provider, has today announced the results of a pilot project using the technology leader’s recently launched AI product to identify homeowners who installed solar after using the 3Quotes service to obtain quotes.
Adrian Ferraretto, Managing Director of 3Quotes said, “One of the challenges of this industry has been the inability to conclusively prove the value of the service. This project has answered that dilemma once and for all using state of the art technology developed right here in Australia”.
The results showed that over 40% of enquiries led to the installation of a solar system. The research used homeowners from right across Australia and used Nearmap high resolution imagery to locate panels on individual homes. Not only does the technology verify that the panels have been installed but it also calculates the capacity of the system on that property.
“We are very excited about the potential for this new product and we were particularly excited when 3Quotes approached us to work on this pilot” said Drew Plummer a spokesperson for Nearmap. “ Every day we see more and more applications for our service across everything from disaster recovery to marketing.”
3Quotes have identified multiple uses for the project beyond simply verifying the quality of the leads they generate. The data can also be used to identify future energy requirements as well as applications in lead scoring to further enhance the quality of homeowner enquiries in the future.