What does destination validation look like?
To bring this solution to life, a key ingredient is imagery capture that is consistent, recent, and high-resolution. This includes various types of aerial imagery, such as vertical aerial, oblique, and panoramic views. However, you may ask, “Why would I need that imagery when I can find it elsewhere?” There are two problems with this.
First, imagery sources like Google or Satellite are inconsistent, often outdated, and lack the high-resolution needed to catch the necessary details to finish a delivery. That’s particularly important as homes, buildings, and infrastructures change over time. Second, jumping from app to app or service to service is an inefficient use of time. Plus, you may be forced to check multiple sources to verify which source is the most accurate. That leads to the next piece of the puzzle.
Housing the imagery and location data in an intuitive user interface (UI) would deliver the accurate information you need to go the last mile in deliveries. Ground sampling distance (GSD) resolutions as sharp as 2.2” to 3” would allow businesses to visualise their final destinations with unprecedented clarity. Additionally, AI advancements like computer vision and machine learning could analyse and process the imagery for even more accurate destination plotting; this could include areas for drone delivery, poles and wires, or possible construction activity. Multiple industries would benefit from this technology—let’s consider a few examples.