The clearest picture from above can keep you on task and on budget. Make quicker, more informed asset management decisions with tailored, on-demand and fully-immersive aerial content enriched with automated, AI-derived property insights.
Monitor, maintain, and protect, your natural environment with comprehensive and frequently-updated AI-derived vegetation data. Reveal otherwise hidden details like growth areas, variability, health, and change over time to vegetation, soil and moisture with Nearmap Near Infrared (NIR) Imagery.
The industry-leading turnaround time of our post-catastrophe content enables quicker, safer, and resource efficient mobilisation in the wake of emergency. Enhance response with a deep situational awareness gained from continuously updated, remotely accessible, and accurate content — from top-down views to full 3D environments.
Identify vegetation, surface permeability and building footprints in just a few clicks, and leverage terrain mastery from city-wide 3D, DSM and DTM content, and compare 10+ years of historical pre- and post-catastrophe imagery to model fire and flood risk to your state infrastructure.
Maintain transparency and accelerate decision-making across departments and jurisdictions. Collaborate in the most resource efficient way with a centralised, enterprise-wide, Australia state government map and geospatial data solution that is intuitive and accessible anywhere.
Non-technical teams can quickly access imagery in MapBrowser; while GIS teams can integrate post-cat surveys into their preferred third-party application in minutes.
“It is so easy to use and shows great detail of area's being investigated. Love how you can zoom in onto specific spots and use tools to measure property boundaries. BIG plus is being able to look at past images to identify changes.”
Nearmap State Government CustomerEmpower your team to make data-backed change for your state with a transformative, insight-rich view from above.
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