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Aerial Intelligence Transforms P&C Insurance Adjusting

May 2023

High-resolution aerial imagery helps insurance adjusters significantly enhance efficiency, precision, and customer service in their claims response workflows.

May 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of post-disaster claims management, property and casualty (P&C) insurance companies are discovering the immense value of aerial intelligence and imagery. By utilizing high-resolution aerial imagery, adjusters can significantly enhance their efficiency, precision, and customer service in their claims response workflows. As a leading solution in post-disaster intelligence, Nearmap aerial intelligence is set to transform the adjuster’s role and streamline claims processes, ushering in a new era of innovation for insurance companies.

Accelerate Post-Catastrophe Response with Aerial Intelligence

When disaster strikes, time is of the essence. Nearmap aerial intelligence and high-resolution post-disaster aerial images empower adjusters to rapidly assess damage, efficiently allocate resources, and quickly process a high volume of claims. This technology enables adjusters to prioritize claims with the highest losses and make more effective use of even limited claims department personnel.
By swiftly and remotely identifying affected properties using aerial imagery, adjusters can also initiate the First Notice of Loss (FNOL) process, ensuring policyholders receive compensation faster—sometimes even before they realize the extent of the damage.

“When claims are coming in, our claims reps take in the FNOL, look at the Nearmap image and can quickly see if it is going to be a large loss or if there are just a few shingles missing from a home.”

Noel Bunol,Executive Vice President, Gulf States Insurance
In addition to accelerating the FNOL process, aerial imagery offers carriers invaluable insights into the overall condition of properties, helping identify potential hazards and informing policyholders of any necessary preventative measures. This proactive approach to risk management can significantly reduce the likelihood of future claims, ultimately benefiting carriers, adjusters, and policyholders alike.
Moreover, the use of aerial imagery in the FNOL process allows adjusters to access a clear and accurate record of property conditions, facilitating a more transparent claims resolution process. By comparing pre- and post-disaster images, adjusters can determine the exact extent of the damage, ensuring fair compensation for policyholders, minimizing disputes, and providing carriers with a visual source of truth for litigation.

Empower Commercial Insurance Adjusters with Aerial Intelligence

Commercial insurance adjusters have a unique set of challenges when it comes to assessing damage for their policyholders as commercial properties can be more complex and varied than residential properties. Aerial intelligence and imagery offers a powerful solution for adjusters who may encounter claims that they are not fully responsible for covering. Historical imagery allows adjusters to more fully understand the pre-claim condition of a property.
By leveraging high-resolution aerial imagery, commercial insurance adjusters can remotely inspect properties in great detail, identifying hazards that may not be visible or apparent from ground level. For instance, excessive pallet stacking, debris accumulation, or improper storage of hazardous materials can pose significant risks to commercial (and residential) properties, potentially leading to fires, structural damage, or environmental issues.
Nearmap aerial intelligence and imagery can support commercial insurance adjusters in validating the claims information provided by clients, ensuring that payouts for the claim are based on the post-coverage damage and not damage sustained before their policy. This data-driven approach can lead to more accurate claims resolutions that benefit carriers, adjusters, and policyholders.

Transform Property Inspections with High-Resolution Imagery

Aerial intelligence and high-resolution imagery have the potential to revolutionize property inspection processes for adjusters, offering a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional on-site inspections. By leveraging this cutting-edge visual technology, adjusters can remotely evaluate property damage, including potential roof damage, without the need for time-consuming and potentially hazardous on-site visits.
For example, adjusters can utilize aerial imagery to inspect roofs for signs of loss, such as missing shingles, holes, and other issues This remote evaluation not only eliminates the need for on-site inspections but also significantly reduces associated expenses, such as travel costs and the potential liability that comes with physically accessing a roof. This method provides adjusters with a safer and more efficient way to conduct inspections, leading to faster claims processing and improved customer satisfaction.
By incorporating aerial intelligence into their workflows, adjusters can more accurately assess properties to determine the appropriate level of compensation required while reducing the overall costs associated with the claims inspection process. This innovative approach not only streamlines operations for insurance providers but also results in a more efficient and customer-centric claims process, bolstering customer satisfaction and trust in the carrier.
Nearmap aerial intelligence and high-resolution imagery offer a multitude of benefits for Property and Casualty Insurance Adjusters, elevating their efficiency, accuracy, and customer service capabilities. By integrating Nearmap into their workflows, adjusters can excel in post-catastrophe response, optimize workflows, and ensure fair claims resolutions. Embracing this technology will place the Property and Casualty Insurance industry at the forefront of innovation and customer satisfaction, setting a higher standard for adjusters and policyholders alike.