Figure 3: Build, measure and learn cycle
The core team
We bring together a cross-functional core team that collaborates and operationalizes the whole program. Members of the core team might vary depending upon the solution and objective of the program. Typically, the core team consists of representatives from the Product, Engineering and Design groups. This team defines the program’s objective and the success criteria. They share the responsibilities of the entire program, such as customer session facilitation, getting the test solution and infrastructure setup correctly, analysis and synthesis of the feedback from the customers, and more.
Program design and structure
Program design: Easy for customers and valuable for the team
Nearmap Alpha programs focus on making it easy for customers to understand their role in the program, sign up and participate. It is equally vital that the program caters for the core team to learn, reflect, and reiterate the solution.
A typical Alpha program has a couple of stages – an initial meet-and-greet session, solution sharing via email or a meeting, the testing session, and a feedback session.
The team may iterate over customer feedback and generate more than one version of the solution for the customer to test.