Pre-flood (left), AI insights identifying submerged buildings and trees (middle), post-flood (right)
An increase in catastrophic events along with rising customer and regulatory expectations are converging to create heightened operational and financial pressures on multiple fronts for general insurers. These pressures range from claims handling and customer satisfaction, to workforce management, cost management and decision making around reserves and risk-off considerations. There are now desktop applications to help resolve these challenges via remote sensing technology which provides alternative methods for insurers to more effectively address catastrophic loss consequences. Benefits include optimising the claims experience, providing faster, more positive outcomes for policyholders, and ultimately enabling more effective cost loss and financial management.
Why new insurance claims management tools are needed
Beyond impacts from recent and ongoing financial services reforms, new regulatory requirements for entities handling claims and settlement services will lead to changes to internal claims policies and workflows where third parties are involved.
The COVID pandemic has brought about significant operational impacts, primarily as a result of changing workplace and consumer behaviors. For example, various COVID restrictions result in many policyholders becoming increasingly cautious of unnecessary visits to their homes and businesses.
We’ve also seen that insurance adjusters were unable to cross state borders, or even unable to visit in-state properties during border and lockdown periods. The way individuals are changing how they work and travel also puts increased pressure on insurers to better manage claims and the customer experience.