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Linking appraisals through your data lens

Oct 2021

Remote desktop solutions for CAMA, like high-resolution aerial image surveys in MapBrowser from Nearmap, help bridge the gap to getting appraisals done.

Oct 2021

In an era where there are increasing barriers in the ability to meet with property owners and growing county assessment requirements, remote desktop solutions help bridge the gap to getting appraisals done. However, these solutions only work when backed by trusted sources of information. Computer-Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) solutions provide part of the picture but can be riddled with errors that need correction. Trying to fill in those gaps with aerial imagery sources like Google can result in missing significant sources of taxable revenue due to outdated location intelligence.
Nearmap has been collecting ortho (2.2in) and oblique (2.8in) imagery in the United States since 2014 at a rate of up to 3x per year. We have nearly a decade of archived surveys available and are fortuitously positioned to support the currency and quality needed for reliable remote desktop assessments.
Not one to rest on our laurels, we are improving the velocity and accuracy of remote assessments by introducing GeoData Link. This new tool allows you to customize your experience within MapBrowser — our flagship web application — by enabling you to integrate parcel and street data directly into your account. This feature allows you to not only merge your parcel data but also search and display that data over Nearmap ortho and oblique imagery.
GeoData Link will be a foundational tool, accelerating an assessor’s workflow by allowing them to:
  • Rapidly find locations based on a parcel-based search
  • Make definitive decisions knowing exactly where the parcel boundary ends
  • Evaluate any relevant information provided within the parcel attribute table
Assessors will also have the benefit of normalizing their common operating picture by integrating their own street data to quickly acclimate to the location of any given parcel in their region.
In addition, GeoData Link combines with the ability to integrate the MapBrowser URL into CAMA applications — like Tyler Technologies iasWorld — and provides a seamless remote desktop experience for our end users. Once the MapBrowser URL is integrated, you can search your CAMA software for a parcel, click on the MapBrowser link and be taken to that parcel in MapBrowser via the GeoData Link. No more swivel chairing. No more wasted mental space or time. Talk to your CAMA provider today if you would like to explore this option.
Lastly, stay tuned! Nearmap is on a mission to change the way our customers work by facilitating simple methods to get the most out of our imagery. As we move forward you will continue to see new releases that accelerate the appraisal workflow.
If you’re interested in becoming part of the GeoData Link Beta program or you have questions, reach out to your Nearmap sales representative or Get iin Touch