Upgrading Tradition with Technology
Traditionally, site assessment relied on manual surveys and ground-based measurements. This is time-consuming, costly, and prone to human error. Using accurate aerial imagery, solar providers can forgo tradition and speed up processes with the efficiency and precision of technology.
Moreover, traditional methods may not provide real-time or up-to-date information, as site conditions change over time. This lack of accurate and timely data can lead to suboptimal project planning, delays, and increased costs.
Accuracy is the foundation of aerial imagery’s efficacy for solar projects. This requires capturing and publishing detailed information about a property’s topography, shading, orientation, and more. But, not all providers are created equal. While some think surveys every few years are sufficient, the gap in captures creates inaccuracies that could lead to avoidable mistakes.
The best aerial imagery providers routinely conduct flyovers and upload fresh content so that solar businesses make decisions with relevant location data. At Nearmap, we capture more than 80% of the population, up to three times per year in high resolution. Aerial Imagery for Solar 101
Capturing and publishing aerial imagery for solar providers requires advanced technologies and equipment. That’s because resolution is everything and not every camera is up to the task. At Nearmap, our industry-leading 4.4 - 7 cm resolution allows solar providers to inspect even the most granular details.
But what you see is just the beginning when using Nearmap. Within every capture are hundreds of insights that most aerial imagery providers fail to surface. With consistent true orthographic imagery, digital surface models (DSM), and artificial intelligence (AI) data layers, Nearmap makes it easy to understand and leverage property data.