Why AI for asset management?
With AI-powered location intelligence, utilities can now automate large portions of asset management workflows to deliver:
Cost-effectiveness: Automated AI inspections significantly reduce the need for onsite visits, saving time and resources.
Speed: AI can inspect hundreds of kilometers of network infrastructure in minutes, meaning faster risk response — minimizing downtime and maintaining service reliability.
Accuracy: AI detects risks such as encroaching vegetation or proximity of buildings more consistently than human inspections.
Scalability: AI can easily scale to scan and inspect large areas, a game-changer for utilities managing thousands of kilometers of infrastructure.
Enhanced safety: AI can identify potential risks and asset degradation before they cause safety hazards or service interruptions.
The image below shows how Nearmap AI can identify features, at scale. This example highlights three different levels of vegetation (very low, low, medium, and high) in green; natural pervious surfaces in pink; asphalt in yellow; and concrete slab in orange.
More than 130 features are detectable with Nearmap AI, such as roof rusting and ponding, tree overhang, junk and wreckage, vegetation debris, water bodies, and more.