With Hail Risk Insights, you can pinpoint the exact property attributes contributing to higher risk. Recommend risk mitigation steps to your policyholders and shield them from future damage and yourself from future claims.
Underwriters have access to the most accurate hail data in a in a software and hail risk map, allowing, allowing them to rapidly assess hail risk, flag properties that need an inspection, and straight-through-process solid risks.
Our Hail Vulnerability Score allows you to price more efficiently and accurately in hail-prone regions — enabling stronger customer relationships as you work to insure their properties and protect their investments.
Simplified, intuitive score for streamlined processes
Focus on structural vulnerability and regional hazard
Transparent, actionable data to predict and prevent losses
We apply computer vision models to high-quality Nearmap aerial imagery and identify risk factors that led to hail losses based on historical claims dataset. These insights are then synthesised into a Hail Vulnerability Score, allowing users to quickly assess a property’s vulnerability.