We frequently capture the the truth on the ground to ensure you’re using accurate aerial data. Our high-resolution imagery provides a comprehensive view, so you can build proposals with up-to-date visuals.
AI feature extractions identify and analyze building footprints, utility poles, permeable surfaces, vegetation, and more. This allows you to pinpoint potential issues with vegetation, slope, or encroachments to make project planning more efficient and effective.
Gain a competitive edge in project proposals and RFP submissions with differentiating insights. Streamline processes from go/no-go decisions to proposals to preliminary design — and expedite your time to construction.
Expedite proposals, permitting, urban planning, and constructability reviews with actionable insights from the latest data. Demonstrate through geospatial insights how to avoid environmentally sensitive areas, ensuring regulatory compliance and risk mitigation — from proposal all the way through the construction process.
“We love Nearmap as the imagery is so superior to anything else and the history is very useful for reviewing development sites. The resolution is fantastic and the ability to overlay planning and lot details is incredibly useful to our business.”
Nearmap AEC Customer