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Aerial intelligence for solar design automation

Nearmap data helps Aerialytic calculate precise shading measurements for solar estimations in a fraction of the time it would take manually.

“If I wanted to do a single design for every home in the United States, it would take me over 2,200 years. With Nearmap data and coverage, coupled with our technology, we empower solar professionals to accelerate adoption and growth.”

Bardia AndalibCEO and Co-Founder of Aerialytic
Aerialytic, a North American based solar technology company, is pioneering AI-driven solar design automation. Their software helps solar providers scale their business by allowing them to create instant designs using artificial intelligence and effectively provide accurate installation quotes to customers.

The Challenge

Complex communication

From customer prospecting to design and installation, the solar industry has been historically fragmented in its communication. This requires a game of telephone — where roof measurements, energy consumption, solar coverage, and materials and labor costs must converge in order to adequately answer customer questions. While the technology to calculate solar costs exist, it’s mostly a manual process.

The Solution

Everything under the sun

More than the basic top-down view of the world offered by other imagery providers, Aerialytic required true aerial intelligence. Nearmap provides total ground truth — from up-to-date aerial coverage to immersive 3D data. Aerialytic integrates Nearmap advanced aerial intelligence models to streamline high-resolution renderings for their solar design projects. Details matter in quoting, and Nearmap data adds dimension to Aerialytic’s quotes and empowers them to be as accurate as possible.

Business Impact

A Bright Future

As the company continues to incorporate Nearmap into their workflows, Aerialytic helps solar professionals effectively reduce the complexity and costs of projects by empowering rapid, accurate designs through a combination of artificial and aerial intelligence.
AI is a fluid technology that is continuously pushing past previous limitations. As AI creates new possibilities in the solar space, Aerialytic works to be an adaptable solution that’s capable of evolving with the technology that facilitates its existence — including strategic partnerships like they have with Nearmap.

Gain deeper AI insights

Uncover insights at a scalable level with Nearmap AI, working with 78 AI layers that can deliver more than 500 attributes per property.

Discover Nearmap AI