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Nearmap boosts greater aerial coverage to more Australians

Jan 2023

Customers will access market-best coverage of +500,000 sq kms of total coverage annually in Australia, including ~168,000 sq kms of unique coverage.

Jan 2023

Customers will access market-best coverage of + 500,000 sq kms of total coverage annually in Australia, including ~ 168,000 sq kms of unique coverage1
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA (6 October 2022) — Regional communities across Australia – from Exmouth, WA, Katherine in the NT, and across to Port Douglas in QLD, Yamba, NSW, and down to George Town, TAS – will for the first time be able to access regularly updated, city-scale, high-resolution aerial imagery, and location data to conduct virtual site visits, following an expansion of the aerial capture program announced by leading location intelligence and aerial imagery company, Nearmap.
Announcing the expanded capture program ahead of its annual customer event Nearmap NAVIG8 2022, Daniel Paull, General Manager Australia and New Zealand, said: “Nearmap has for the past 15 years been steadily growing our market-leading capture program to better support even more communities across Australia. Our customers, who rely on Nearmap to be their eye in the sky, have been asking us regularly to expand the reach of our captures, particularly to regional areas of the country.”
“Thanks to the capture efficiency and increased productivity of our new proprietary aerial camera system, HyperCamera3, and an increased investment in our market-best coverage program, we’ll be boosting our capture network over the coming year to include an additional ~ 23,000 sq kms of new, additional unique captured footprint. The 82 new locations that are being captured will mostly be in regional and rural areas of Australia. This will lift the overall, national coverage footprint of Nearmap to over 500,000 sq kms of annual coverage.”
Following the expansion of its capture program over the coming year, using patented, proprietary aerial camera systems fixed to planes, Nearmap will provide almost continuous aerial coverage of the main road route up the East Coast of Australia – from Boydtown just south of Eden, NSW to Curra, just north of Gympie, QLD; over 1,600 km of continuous terrain.2
Nearmap is unique in its capture of aerial imagery, focusing on currency, consistency, coverage, and ease of access. Nearmap aerial imagery is published within days of capture, with 24/7 access through a web app, API, or third-party integration.

An enhanced offering from the world’s leading location intelligence firm

Features of the Nearmap expanded mapping coverage in Australia over the coming year include:
  • Almost 23,000 sq km of new, additional unique captured footprint for its standard aerial imagery each year 1 , totaling 168 ,000 sq kms of unique captured footprint annually (this climbs to over 500,000 sq kms of annual coverage when including multiple and recurring captures of the same areas)
  • Aerial imagery and location data will increase from more than 90 per cent coverage of the Australian population to up to 95 per cent of the population1, up to six times a year to ensure access to current content
  • Almost 19,000 sq km of new, higher-resolution vertical imagery each year, at an even sharper resolution of 5.5cm per pixel (50 per cent increase in coverage), for a total of 80,000 sq kms coverage annually
  • Almost 60,000 sq km of overall unique coverage of premium content types (32 per cent increase in coverage): oblique, 3D, terrain data, point cloud, and true ortho
Nearmap also offers a rich archive of historical imagery, with some locations offering data as far back as 2007, enabling organisations to conduct longitudinal research and comparisons over time.
In addition to the standard capture program, Nearmap also commits to cover up to 15,000 sq km for its post-catastrophe program, Nearmap ImpactResponse. Nearmap is the first and only aerial imagery and location analytics provider in Australia with a dedicated capture program for natural disasters, providing high-quality, city-scale aerial imagery and location data within days of major natural catastrophes – including the 2019/20 East Coast bushfires, and 2022 East Coast “rain bomb” – to better support community recovery efforts, and expedite insurance claims.
Across the world, Nearmap also captures aerial imagery that covers ~73% of the population in New Zealand, over 80% of the population in the U.S., and over 64% of the population in Canada.
Mr Paull added: “The expanded aerial coverage complements our market leading city-scale 3D content, artificial intelligence data sets, and geospatial tools to ensure our customers are supported by the very best technology in the market.”
“These innovations will ensure that Nearmap consistently provides the best solution for our customers, especially as we continue to rapidly enhance our product offering for customers across all sectors including government, insurance, architecture, construction and engineering.”
Around 90 per cent of Australia’s top construction companies rely on Nearmap technology and content, and so do more than 250 customers across government and insurance.
Learn more about Nearmap or schedule a demo.
(1) For vertical imagery (7.5cm or better)
(2) With the exception of 3 gaps of uncaptured road equalling three sections totalling ~ 90km