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Insightful views for smarter service delivery

Level-up your electric utility GIS intelligence with current and contextual insights of your network map.
See What's Possible

Data-powered electricity excellence

Monitor and maintain your utility network more effectively with high-resolution aerial imagery, extensive 3D models, and AI-extracted geospatial features.

More efficient field work

Track asset locations with ease

Overlay asset location data on high-resolution aerial imagery covering 87% of the U.S. population for improved service productivity and quicker response times.

Unparalleled image clarity, precise measurement tools, and AI feature detection make identifying obstructions, determining site access points, and estimating resources a breeze.

Make downtime a thing of the past

Predict and reduce risk

Visualize buffer zones around assets and detect topographical changes that could compromise clearance — such as new infrastructure and vegetation encroachment — with top-down imagery enriched with AI and near-infrared content. 

Inform disaster preparation plans with historical data including floods and wildfires. Understand past incidents, monitor environmental change over time, and model future impact to better protect your assets.

Scale your solar solution

Prospect new customers

Combine the power of frequently updated imagery, historical content, and AI data to identify opportunities to grow your business — such as residential areas with a high concentration of swimming pools and commercial areas where uptake is on the rise.

With the most up-to-date solar dataset, you can accurately monitor changes in solar uptake and predict the impact on grid capacity to prevent customers from going dark.

“By integrating current, high-resolution geo-referenced Nearmap imagery with our core GIS and AutoCAD technologies, we can rectify errors in our GIS, produce more accurate designs, and locate infrastructure including power poles and streetlights.”

Senior Drafting Officer, Powercor Australiatestimony-logoRead Customer Story
Utility companies trust Nearmap for our location intelligence

Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create bespoke solutions to better meet your needs.Integrations & APIs

Products for electricity utilities

Smarter asset planning, management, and maintenance starts with a complete view of truth on the ground.

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